Community engagement is an essential part of the planning process. All stages of Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare's (MAHC) planning have included opportunities for internal and external stakeholders to provide feedback through both information sessions and dedicated surveys.
There are various ways that user input will continue to be obtained throughout this journey.
Second Meeting in Bracebridge for Hospital Redevelopment
MAHC is hosting a second Community Chat in Bracebridge to accommodate those who were unable to attend the previous meeting to learn about the proposed Made-in-Muskoka Healthcare system of the future due to capacity challenges.
The meeting will be on Monday, February 12, 2024 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the cafeteria of Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School, located at 110 Clearbrook Trail. The cafeteria’s fire code capacity for 650 people seated will be followed.
Doors will open at 6 p.m. Attendees will enter from the school/theatre end of the building where they will be asked to sign in. Following a presentation, a question period will be facilitated and structured to take as many questions as possible by encouraging a two-minute time limit on questions. Ideas, suggestions and productive solutions-focused dialogue is encouraged.
Watch a Live Stream via Zoom
A virtual Zoom live stream has been arranged to watch the meeting remotely as view only. Registration through Zoom is required to received the link directly from Zoom. The registration is available to 500 participants. After registering, a confirmation email directly from Zoom will be sent to the email address you provided containing information about joining the webinar. Please note logistically, it will not be possible to take questions from those viewing the Zoom feed.
Input and feedback is important and welcome. Please send your ideas and comments by email to
Community Information Sessions (April 2023)
MAHC was pleased to revisit our communities again in April with a series of in-person information sessions from April 17 to 20 and on April 22, and two virtual sessions on April 24 and 26.
At these sessions, we provided an update on the planning journey and our progress to date, reviewed the site selection process for a new location for the South Muskoka site, and presented the findings of the evaluation and the preliminary preferred property in Bracebridge. Together with members of our project consulting team, a 30-minute presentation was provided using a slide deck, followed by a question and answer period. Feedback at these sessions has been valuable to the project team and Board of Directors prior to final decision-making on a preferred new location. Following the second round of community engagement, President and CEO Cheryl Harrison also wrote a CEO Blog on the topic.
Community Open Houses (January 2023)
MAHC was pleased to host six in-person and two virtual open houses to connect with our communities to provide an update on our redevelopment journey and specifically about the site selection component of this stage of planning.
A 30-minute presentation was provided using a slide deck and an information brochure was available. Community members could tour large poster boards and engage in conversation and questions and answers with representatives from our project team and consultants, hospital foundations and auxiliaries, Board of Directors, and Patient Experience Partners. MAHC looks forward to hosting a further round of community engagement to provide an update on the site selection process and progress on our Stage 1.3 deliverables.
Stay Connected
We want you be informed of the latest news. Don't forget you can subscribe to any of our webpages to receive updates by email by clicking on the green banner below. If you are interested in having an informative presentation, please email Allyson Snelling or call 705-789-2311 ext. 2544.
Contact Us
Huntsville District Memorial Hospital Site
100 Frank Miller Drive, Huntsville, ON P1H 1H7
Phone: 705-789-2311
Fax: 705-789-0557 (administration)